Volunteering in Guatemala

The drive into Antigua was interesting. Parts of the country are beautifully developed with gated communities, while other parts consist of cement blocks stacked to provide housing. Feral dogs roam the streets and 'tiendas' - essentially road side stands – are everywhere.

Traveling in Nepal

The ride to the Kathmandu Peace Guest House (KPGH) was interesting. My taxi shared the roads (unmarked by lines) with trucks, buses, motorcycles, buses, dogs and cows. Basically, like many other large cities in Asia. Hitting a cow results in a six year prison sentence, so they get the right of way. And there are wild monkeys! They congregate at the monkey temple but they also wander the city.

Sri Lanka Observations

With the announcement that Mother Teresa has been named a saint, this is an interesting place to be this week. Mother Teresa's community, the Missionaries of Charity, operate ten orphanages throughout Kandy, Sri Lanka. The local one is Daya Nivasa - Home for Abandoned and Differently-Abled Children and Girls.